Services That Protect...

...companies' assets, offices, employees (and more) by handling various threats targeting their business.
Property Surveillance
Escort Support
Office Building Security
icon security cam
icon security cam
icon security guard
icon security guard
icon exec guards
icon exec guards
Penetration Tests
Warehouse Protection
High Value Asset Protection
icon shop front
icon shop front
icon down arrow chart
icon down arrow chart
Fire Watch
icon firewatch
icon firewatch
icon megaphone
icon megaphone
Industrial Support
icon network
icon network
Risk Assessments
icon chart & magnify
icon chart & magnify
Bank Protective Services
Icon termination
Icon termination
icon event
icon event
icon hand stop
icon hand stop
Gated Community Services
High Risk Termination
Qualified Agents

Providing a localized team full of security professionals, prepared to handle any need that may arise.

Continued Growth

Constantly recruiting and reviewing agents, analyzing our company's abilities and limitations, and examining access to new ventures.

Key Industries

Our certified agents have specialized experience in a handful of industries, areas of expertise, and protections.

“I would like to provide some feedback on our time with Cedric this week. He was exceptionally professional, well-prepared and highly focused on his assignment. We were very impressed by his work, and I would consider him the gold standard for these assignments with our organization. Thank you for resourcing him and I expect will be requesting him by name in the future.”


"We just spoke with the client regarding coverage for this week – he is very appreciated of our work and mentioned the level of professionalism from our agents has been outstanding."